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most people don? realize the internet is actually 30 years old but was only available to the military and universities for 25 years. but when it was made available for public and commercial use in 1995 its growth was unexpected and nothing less than phenomenal. in less than 5 short years, 30 billion people have used the internet, compared to 27 years for television and 22 years for radio. consider the following:

  • over 300 new web sites go on line every day.
  • the internet is now growing at the rate of 175% per year.
  • the internet now provides over 1 million full time jobs in the us alone, over 3 million worldwide.
  • $1 million in business transactions are now done over the internet every 80 seconds.
  • over 400,000 u.s retail stores have closed since the internet became commercially available.
  • 6 million e-mail messages are sent every hour (average).
  • over 40 million of document pages are sent over the internet every day.
  • half of all american households now have internet access and with falling computer prices this number will grow to 80% by the year 2001 and 95% by 2002.
  • in 1996, only 12% of american businesses had a web site compared to 33% today. by 2001, experts predict this number will be at least 70%.
  • wall street gives its highest valuations to internet companies.
  • 23% of consumer buying is now done over the internet and if current growth rates continue, this number will grow to over 80% by 2001.
  • the internet now doubles in size every 9 months (number of users).
  • on average, 1 in every 45 hits results in a business transaction/sale.
  • using web sites cuts retail overhead and cost of sales an average of 32% and consumer retail prices an average of 25%.
  • 41% of american businesses now advertise on or over the internet.
  • e-commerce is the fastest growing market segment in the world.
  • internet commerce reduces business telephone bills an average of 28%.
  • school children now are being taught to use the internet by age 10.
  • international trade has increased over 2100% in the last 5 years due primarily to the internet.
  • overseas internet access is growing at the rate of 38% per year.
  • all business is expected to be doing e-commerce by the year 2005.
  • e-commerce can save a business over 20% in sales taxes.
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  • part time job $50/hour
  • part time job $50/hour

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